Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Passing of Steve Jobs

I was fortunate enough to have met him a couple times growing up in the privileged town of Palo Alto, went to school with his daughter Lisa, even emailed him directly while in college to bitch about how horrible OS 8 was, and never thought much of it.  I never quite realized how much he would transform the world I live in now.  It is definitely very sad to see him pass on, as he has had such a big influence on this past quarter century.  That being said, it's amazing how connected we are today. Moments after he passed, everyone heard the news.

WSJ article.  ABC news article.

Sourced from Apple

I have encountered this interesting crossroad in my life in my thirties, the knowledge that I will too pass away someday.  Many people I have met and interacted with when I was a child, famous and not, have been slowly passing away with age, medical reasons, and tragic accidents. Several years back, I watched both of my grandparents pass away.  These events have made me realize I cannot continue to slack off and keep my life in limbo forever.  Each one of our time in this world is limited.  What legacy will I leave on this world when I pass?

"You got to find what you love, and that is as true for work as it is for your lovers." - Steve Jobs

During better times (amazing commencement speech):

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