My gf decided she wanted a pair of the original Converse All Star high top sneakers.
The Pilotis she owns was not ideal daily shoes, so she decided this past Saturday to go shopping for another pair of casual sneakers in preparation for our eventual trip to Maui in late spring.
There were several places that sold them in our neighborhood, and we decided to check them out at Nordstrom's and Foot Locker. The retail price of the high top at Foot Locker is about $5 more than the price of the pair at Nordstrom, but Foot Locker has a much more complete selection. Because Converse is unisex, you can pretty much purchase them anywhere you find them, as long as you understand that the sizes printed on the bottom of the shoes are for men.
During her purchase, I decided I would like a pair as well, to honor my recent newfound love of Dr. Who, and more specifically, the Tenth (10th) Doctor as portrayed by the actor David Tennant. I will be wearing my pair of Converse All Star high tops to work whenever I decide to long board to the office. In addition, this will be a great fashion statement. Of course, this means I would have to get a red pair.
The men's Foot Locker has a much greater selection than the Lady Foot Locker, but if you're lazy like me, you will end up buying a pair at the Lady Foot Locker because my gf was already purchasing a pair there.
I think the red Converse All Start high tops has enough of a contrast with dark slacks that I can probably pull off the look. Of course, the skinner I get the better this look will be, so I'm glad I've been on a strict diet and have been losing weight for the past few weeks.
What do you guys/gals think?
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